Friday, February 23, 2007

random blah

Apparently I haven't posted in a real long time. My blog must feel so .... misused? Facebook is taking over my life!! Things have been busy, the play is ending tomorrow, and YIC snowboarding is next week, my volleyball team is doing 3 different things to celebrate the end of the season(even though there is nothing to celebrate) aaaand there have been certain issues with certain people. To add on top of that...the snow is melting, and the winter season is slowly coming to an end. Unfortunately, the sun is supposed to be coming out and melting everything, while the tiny flurries due to come have no chance against the heat. Hopefully such snow lasts till next week Friday. Everyone cross their fingers!! I know three different families who have had loved ones die. And on top of that, everyone is grumpy, from lack of sleep.


Anonymous said...

i know what you mean. and facebook is taking over many peoples worrries. things are crazy busy. yic snowboarding is just making it busier..i know what you mean about nothing to celebrate..some with our basketball...even though were not celebrating..and even though we havent had the tourney yet...i dont mean to be negative..but theres not gonna be much to celebrate. and ya..the certain issues with certain people..i realllllllly feel for you there..because that must be really hard. winter is good that its going..but i hate the transformation cause of all the slush and wetness..and winter wasnt long enough.
and i know about the loved ones dying...its so horrible..its soooo many at once. and i agree. lack of sleep is ruining my life. i must take my leave, i wish it was to sleep, but its not. luv ya!
o ya..this is just to lazy to sign in!

Anonymous said...

sorry the comments soooo long!

Anonymous said...

ehehe...u still have ur
YEah...i'll c u at sv on friday. Hehe...i will laugh at u...and u made fun of me for falling last year. Aghh...stupid spell check...this thing has it. almost everything i spelt was wrong....o well. Yeah....anyways. just to annoy u i will do wat we did to mats blog...ok?

*scroll down*

ok....that was enough. I dont want to anoy u to c u later.
Jo <3

Anonymous said...

yah. ok . good luck with that. its deeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddd.